5 Tips for Choosing a Residential Aged Care Facility For Your Loved One

Choosing an aged care facility for your loved one can be challenging. It's important to research so you can make the best choice for their care.

Oxa Care Team

May 26, 2023

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you know someone who can benefit from a residential aged care facility. You may also be looking into one for yourself or your family member. With the growing number of people ageing in developed countries and the rise of digital resources to help us keep in touch with our loved ones, many more older people are finding themselves living as much of their adult lives as possible. That makes it that much more important that your loved one has access to quality care at home or elsewhere.

The right choice for your loved one can be challenging. There are so many factors to consider when choosing a residential aged care facility. From location to pricing to the services they offer and their reputation among other residents, if you choose the right one it could be a source of peace and joy for your loved one for many years to come.

Here are five tips for choosing a residential aged care facility for your loved one.

Research facility reviews and reputation

When you’re looking for a residential aged care facility for your loved one, it’s important to look into the facility’s reviews. There are a number of places to find these: online forums, review websites, real estate listings, and even word of mouth.

Make sure you look at both positive and negative reviews, as there are many older people who look online for reviews but don’t look at the negative ones. If you can, speak with current residents of the facility to get their input as well. You want to make sure the facility you’re looking at is the right choice for your loved one and that they’ll be happy at their new home.

Location, location, location!

If you’re choosing a residential aged care facility for your loved one, you’ll also want to make sure it is in a location that is easy for them to get to and is close to their family and friends.

An easy drive or short plane ride may be great, but if it takes your loved one an hour to get to their destination every day, it could be too much.

If your loved one has a large family that they’d like to see frequently or a favourite hobby or activity, the location of their new home may also be important.

It may be worth looking into a nearby facility that is closer to a popular park or other location that makes it easier for your loved one to take part in their favourite activity.

Decide on what you need your residential aged care facility to do

A great way to make sure your loved one is at a residential aged care facility that will be a good fit is to look at the services they offer and decide what you need your loved one’s new home to do.

A residential aged care facility can range from a facility that provides only medical services, such as short-term rehabilitation and long-term care, to a facility that specialises in helping your loved one with any needs they have, such as assisted living and Alzheimer’s care.

You’ll want to make sure the residential aged care facility you choose offers the services that are important to you and your family.

Search online for reviews from current residents to see what services they think are important and what they’d like to see improved. You might also be able to talk to current residents at the facility to get a better idea of what they think.

Price is important, but not the only factor with residential aged care

Price is important when choosing a residential aged care facility for your loved one, but it’s not the only thing you should consider. In general, the more services a facility offers and the higher the reputation of the care providers, the higher the price may be.

You can find a variety of residential aged care services for all kinds of budgets. If your budget is rigid, you may not be able to find a place that meets your budget but offers all the services you need. However, you may be able to find a facility that comes close to meeting your needs, but just falls short on price.

Don't just take our word for it – talk to other residents

While you’re researching your loved one’s new home, why not take a look online at current residents’ reviews of the facility?

These reviews can be a great way to hear from other residents about their experiences at the facility and get their input on the services they believe are important.

You can also speak with loved ones who have already been moved in to the facility to get their input on the services they found to be of high quality.


Choosing the right residential aged care facility for your loved one can be challenging. Residential aged care facilities vary widely in quality, and finding one that is right for your loved one can be hard. That's why it's important to do your research and choose a residential aged care facility carefully. Choosing the right residential aged care facility for your loved one can be challenging, but it's important to make the best choice for their care.

Call Oxa Care today: 1300 584 805.  Ask us about having a FREE aged care assessment.

Oxa Care Team

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